Switzerland, Here We Come!

Folks, we have lift-off! …Don’t worry, we’re not following Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson into space just yet, but we are proud to announce that we have successfully made it overseas – California Grown Hemp is now in business with Switzerland!

Those of you who have been following us for a while will know that we’ve always held the Swiss hemp industry in very high regard. When it comes to hemp and marijuana products, Switzerland sets the bar incredibly high. In fact, “Swiss quality hemp” has really become a kind of mantra for us over the last few years as we’ve worked hard from season to season to perfect our product. As a team, it’s long been one of our aims to eventually make that leap across the Atlantic. And now, finally, we’ve done it!

Why make the move now?

Over the last year, our collective has moved into a strong position commercially. We’ve witnessed an increase in the demand for hemp in both North America and across the globe, in no small part due to the effects of covid-19. Hemp products have served both medical and recreational uses throughout this unprecedented event, with billions of people living through national lockdowns and heavy restrictions on ordinary life. Not only that, but we feel that as a company we’re finally ready to show the Swiss hemp market why our product is so highly thought of here in the US. After all, it’s not every grower that can offer 100% natural grown organic hemp at farmer prices to the experts in Europe.

Much as we do at home, in Switzerland we’ll be supporting hemp brokers, wholesalers, distributors, dispensaries and e-commerce platforms, aiming to become the backbone supplier of Swiss hemp needs. The primary focus will be on large, wholesale volume operations; but, as ever, we are ready to adapt to the demands of the market and accommodate any size of order.

What about language or cultural barriers?

The more observant of you will have noticed the language option in the top corner of the website. This is all part of our approach – we offer the site in English and German language options so it’s ideally suited for the Swiss hemp market. We want to make sure that none of the details of what makes us such a great US brand get lost crossing into a different language and culture. We’ll be representing not just America, but also the state of California. We like to think we’ll be bringing a little Californian sunshine into Switzerland and showing the Swiss that it’s not just produce and wine that our climate is perfect for but hemp too.

A great choice of hemp varieties

We know that everyone wants more choice these days and the Swiss hemp market is certainly no exception. We’re offering many varieties of our 100% natural grown organic hemp – Bubba, Bubbatonic, Kush, OG Lime, Purple OG Legendary and many more. We’re entering into a very exciting phase now and the whole team is thrilled to finally be realizing a dream. We can’t wait to build some great long-term relationships with the Swiss and spread the word internationally about California Grown Hemp!

If you’re reading from the US, or you’re in Switzerland and are just getting to know us, you can order the finest 100% natural grown California hemp today.

Sales Contact:



+831-884-3124 WhatsApp

by | Jul 29, 2021 | Industry News | 0 comments

california grown hemp
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