Hemp vs. Marijuana: What’s the Difference?

Hemp vs. Marijuana: What’s the Difference?

As CBD continues to become very popular, many people are having trouble finding the difference between hemp and marijuana. It may even be difficult for them to decide whether or not to use hemp products or even if these products are legal. So, what’s the difference...
Cannabis to Be Legalized in Switzerland

Cannabis to Be Legalized in Switzerland

There’s exciting hemp news from Europe this week – we were pleased to learn that cannabis is soon to be legalized in Switzerland. The Local, an online publication covering news in Europe, reported that: “Switzerland will draw up a draft law for the legalization of...
Hemp Flower Buyer’s Guide For First-Time Consumers

Hemp Flower Buyer’s Guide For First-Time Consumers

Are you new to buying CBD hemp flowers? If so, it can be challenging when faced with all the choices you’ll find! To help make your first CBD hemp flower shopping easier, we’ve put together a guide that provides everything you need to know about shopping for hemp...
Did You Know That Levi’s Produced Jeans Using Hemp? 

Did You Know That Levi’s Produced Jeans Using Hemp? 

We were excited to learn today that Levi’s is following a plan to continue its commitment to sustainable agriculture, which includes its awesome hemp jeans. Sourcing Journal reports that the global denim brand will be continuing its work with their impressive fabric...