The Blog

The Long, Interesting History of Hemp!

The Long, Interesting History of Hemp!

Not many people realise that hemp has been around and used for various purposes since ancient times. Today, hemp is seen as a plant that provides CBD and other products. However, the history of hemp is quite fascinating!   Hemp Was Known & Used in Ancient...

Hemp and the Fight Against the Covid-19 Pandemic

Hemp and the Fight Against the Covid-19 Pandemic

The role that hemp could play in fighting the global, Covid-19 pandemic has been in the news a lot over the last week or so. If you haven’t seen the reports, what we’re looking at here is yet another set of revelations about the amazing properties of our favorite...

New Cannabis Trials in Switzerland and the Netherlands’ Leading Light

New Cannabis Trials in Switzerland and the Netherlands’ Leading Light

As we move rapidly through the festive season and the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect us all, there’s a great deal of positivity to be found in the European hemp scene. We’ve recently learnt that Zurich, Switzerland, will be starting recreational cannabis trials...

What is Hemp Milk & How Does It Compare to Dairy Milk?

What is Hemp Milk & How Does It Compare to Dairy Milk?

You are probably familiar with dairy-free milk alternatives, such as soy milk and almond milk. But have you heard of hemp milk? This is a relative newcomer to the alternative milk market; however, it is starting to become more popular. One issue that hemp milk is...

Change to THC Limits and Hemp’s Role in Fighting Malnutrition

Change to THC Limits and Hemp’s Role in Fighting Malnutrition

We’re pleased to be able to share some massive hemp news with you all today – the THC limit for hemp in Europe has now been increased. The limit for THC in hemp crops has now gone up from 0.2% to 0.3%. This has taken a long time but is a hugely significant step for...

What’s the Difference Between Broad-Spectrum & Full-Spectrum CBD?

What’s the Difference Between Broad-Spectrum & Full-Spectrum CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) has become a popular remedy for a broad range of health issues. This substance has been promoted as being beneficial for better sleep, reducing anxiety, and even helping reduce levels of chronic pain. When it comes to over-the-counter CBD, there are...

Why Hemp is Greener than We Thought

Why Hemp is Greener than We Thought

A couple of global news stories are helping to give hemp a good name in the press right now and are showing the world that this amazing crop is even greener than we first thought. Over in the UK, the countryside is currently ablaze with hemp farms, according to a...

The Benefits of CBD Creams, Balms & Lotions for Skincare

The Benefits of CBD Creams, Balms & Lotions for Skincare

If you’ve walked down the drugstore aisles lately, you may have noticed some new products with the letters “CBD” on them. CBD products are becoming increasingly popular, including moisturisers, lotions, face creams, and much more. But are CBD skin care products...

Refreshing News for CBD Drinks and the Hemp Hazards in Italy

Refreshing News for CBD Drinks and the Hemp Hazards in Italy

There’s never a dull moment in the global hemp industry and two news stories in particular have grabbed our attention recently.  The first is a report about the up-coming hemp drinks market. If you haven’t tried a CBD drink before then you’re certainly not alone....

Hemp vs. Marijuana: What’s the Difference?

Hemp vs. Marijuana: What’s the Difference?

As CBD continues to become very popular, many people are having trouble finding the difference between hemp and marijuana. It may even be difficult for them to decide whether or not to use hemp products or even if these products are legal. So, what’s the difference...

Cannabis to Be Legalized in Switzerland

Cannabis to Be Legalized in Switzerland

There’s exciting hemp news from Europe this week – we were pleased to learn that cannabis is soon to be legalized in Switzerland. The Local, an online publication covering news in Europe, reported that: “Switzerland will draw up a draft law for the legalization of...

Hemp Flower Buyer’s Guide For First-Time Consumers

Hemp Flower Buyer’s Guide For First-Time Consumers

Are you new to buying CBD hemp flowers? If so, it can be challenging when faced with all the choices you’ll find! To help make your first CBD hemp flower shopping easier, we’ve put together a guide that provides everything you need to know about shopping for hemp...

Did You Know That Levi’s Produced Jeans Using Hemp? 

Did You Know That Levi’s Produced Jeans Using Hemp? 

We were excited to learn today that Levi’s is following a plan to continue its commitment to sustainable agriculture, which includes its awesome hemp jeans. Sourcing Journal reports that the global denim brand will be continuing its work with their impressive fabric...

Is CBD Legal in Switzerland?

Is CBD Legal in Switzerland?

What comes to mind when you think of the Swiss? Beautiful mountains & nature, excellent cheese, and chocolate? What about those beautiful and highly accurate Swiss watches? These are the things that usually come to mind when thinking of Switzerland. But have you...

How to Use Hemp Seeds in Your Cooking

How to Use Hemp Seeds in Your Cooking

One of the things we love about our Swiss-quality, California grown hemp is just how versatile it is. Of course, it’s the crop that cannabis comes from and it’s what is used to produce CBD oil, but did you know you could also cook with hemp seeds? In this blog, we...

CBD in Switzerland – Swiss are Progressive on CBD

CBD in Switzerland – Swiss are Progressive on CBD

CBD is legal in Switzerland, as well as in other European countries. So, what makes the Swiss so different? Their legal definition of the percentage of THC allowed in CBD products is the reason. In Switzerland, CBD products for consumption, cultivation, and...

Top 5 Uses for Hemp That Don’t Involve Smoking!

Top 5 Uses for Hemp That Don’t Involve Smoking!

  Did you know that hemp isn’t just grown to be used as cannabis? This seemingly humble crop is, in fact, extremely versatile and has an impressively wide variety of uses. In this blog, we count down our top five uses for hemp that don’t involve smoking. And...

Why CBD Oil Won’t Get You High – Public Misconceptions about CBD 

Why CBD Oil Won’t Get You High – Public Misconceptions about CBD 

We’re often asked if CBD oil gets you high. As hemp growers we can categorically state that the answer is no – CBD oil does not get you high or have any hallucinogenic effects whatsoever. This is actually one of the biggest misconceptions that people have about CBD...

Why is Swiss Quality Hemp so Good?

Why is Swiss Quality Hemp so Good?

Over the last few years, Switzerland has set the industry standard when it comes to hemp production and hemp-based products. In fact, Swiss quality hemp has become a very familiar phrase for growers and producers all over the world – a kind of shorthand for hemp of...

Tips to Buy Your Wholesale Hemp Products from the Right Producer

Tips to Buy Your Wholesale Hemp Products from the Right Producer

It’s a fact that not all hemp products are created equal! If you’re planning on starting a wholesale hemp product business, then how do you know which producer to choose? We’re here to help you answer that question! In this article, we’ll provide tips and guidance on...